The Corner

Pat Toomey on Tom Ridge

Tom Ridge is a true patriot and a leader. In his eloquent statement today, he said: ‘My belief is that those in my home state can best be served by the principles of limited government, less taxes, competent governance and shared responsibility.’ I agree with Governor Ridge’s statement 100%. That is exactly the message I will carry to the people of Pennsylvania in my campaign for the U.S. Senate. It is a message that will not only unite the Republican Party, but more importantly, it is one that a majority of our fellow citizens can rally around, regardless of their party affiliation.

Two of three recent polls show Toomey within single digits of Specter, despite his being relatively unknown. The third poll, from Quinnipiac, had Specter trouncing him.

Meanwhile, there is still another possible opponent for Toomey in the primary — Rep. Jim Gerlach (R, Pa.), whose surrogates have been savaging Toomey and his prospects in the national press. More on him later.

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