The Corner

Pbs’s Robust Humanist Citizen-Journalist

About that AP story on Bill Moyers today…I know everyone is properly focused on BM’s classic distillation of the who-us-liberal? media thesis — hard right-wing media versus running-dog profit-obsessed media that’s not liberal at all — don’t miss how AP reporter Frazier Moore has constructed a very puffy pillow of a press release here.

Moyers is a not a fire-breathing leftist, but a “humanist” and “a citizen-journalist with a robust background.” And notice how Friendly Frazier sucks up by noting “one example of typically good journalism” was a Moyers segment denouncing Condi Rice as a dreadful judge of national security and an Iraq War liar. Liberally biased journalism is the best journalism. In fact, journalism isn’t journalism unless it’s “saving capitalism from its excesses.” Nobody ever saved Moyers from his excesses.

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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