The Corner

Pelosi Dances Around Tax Cut Question

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, perhaps responding to increasing fractures in her caucus over the question of whether to raise taxes on top earners, today left open the possibility that she would support extending current rates for all Americans:

The California Democrat, speaking in the same room House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) appeared in earlier in the day, said that the “only thing I can tell you is the tax cuts for the middle class will be extended this Congress,” leaving open the possibility that cuts for people making more than $250,000 could be extended at some point, too.

“What I believe the American people deserve is a tax cut for the middle class,” Pelosi said. “And without getting into procedure and timing and process, what we’re going to do is to say at the end of the day the extension of the Obama middle-income tax cuts will take place, and that’s what I have to say on the subject.”

If you’re so inclined, you can go here to read more, including Pelosi’s view that current tax rates for “wealthy” Americans don’t “create jobs,” they just “add to the deficit.”

UPDATE: The Hill has an ongoing whip count of House and Senate Democrats opposing the Obama/Pelosi plan to raise taxes.

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