The Corner

Pelosi: Hillary ‘Certainly More Prepared’ for Presidency Than Obama

No surprise here, but Nancy Pelosi hopped on the Hillary bandwagon on Sunday, telling CNN’s Candy Crowley in no uncertain terms, “When she becomes president, she will be one of the best-equipped, best-prepared people to enter the White House in a very long time.” Having a female ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, she added, “would be magnificent for America.”

On the question of experience, the House minority leader was unequivocal, saying that the former first lady would be more prepared than the current president as well as his two predecessors. “With all due respect to our president, and I think he is magnificent and wonderful and a blessing to us, [Clinton would] certainly [be] more prepared than President Obama, certainly more prepared than President Bush, certainly more prepared than President Clinton,” she said. George H. W. Bush, having served as vice president under Ronald Reagan, was very prepared to assume the presidency, in Pelosi’s estimation.

The 73-year-old lawmaker was tight-lipped on the question of whom she would endorse if both Clinton and vice president Joe Biden launch presidential bids in 2016.

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