The Corner

Pelosi: Only the Democrats Are Allowed to Wage a War on Women’s Health

Nancy Pelosi didn’t mince words yesterday when attacking the Republicans’ plan for how to pay for the 1-year extension of 3.4 percent rates for federal subsidized student loans.

“In order to pay for it, [House Republicans] are going to make an assault on women’s health, make another assault on women’s health, continue our assault on women’s health, ” Pelosi said, per ABC News, “and pay for this with prevention initiatives that are in effect right now for childhood immunization; for screening for breast cancer, for cervical cancer; and for initiatives to reduce birth defects – a large part of what the Center for Disease Control does in terms of prevention.”

But the Associated Press reports that Democrats have suggested using money from the same fund to support some of their pet projects:

Republicans noted that many Democrats had voted earlier this year to take money from the preventive health fund to help pay to keep doctors’ Medicare reimbursements from dropping. Obama’s own budget in February proposed cutting $4 billion from the same fund to pay for some of his priorities. 

So it looks like the Dems, too, have made “an assault on women’s health.” 

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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