The Corner

Peta to Ben & Jerry’s

Use human breast milk instead of the bovine variety.

Update: From a reader:

I’m a breastfeeding advocate.  I manage a Yahoo support group for breastfeeding mothers.  I have no doubts whatsoever that ice cream made from human breastmilk would be great – it would probably taste BETTER than ice cream made from cow’s milk.


All that said, are they NUTS?? (rhetorical question, of course)  Do they have any concept of the work needed to extract sufficient quantities of milk from human mothers?  It would be a full-time job – for those women who could actually pump enough to be worth buying.  Milk supply is established in the first months after baby’s birth, so you’d have to start a mom pumping as soon as baby is born (or before)….every couple of hours at least.  In the best of circumstances one woman couldn’t possibly produce what we can get from a cow.  In essence we would be replacing the suffering of cows with the suffering of women!  Sure, it could work for a single Swiss restaurant, but how much more cow’s milk does Ben & Jerry’s use in a day than Storchen?


Oh, and what about testing for disease, monitoring mothers’ diets, lifestyle…and what about the babies switched to formula (made with cow’s milk) by moms who need more breastmilk to sell?


PETA would be doing a far better service advocating breastmilk for BABIES.  Help more mothers breastfeed their babies for as long as possible, including pumping at work if needed.  Get doctors more educated on the benefits and the solutions to common misconceptions and problems moms face.  Minimizing formula use would make a far better world for all of us than breastmilk ice cream.

Me: Short answer: Yes, they are nuts. Always have been, always will be. 

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