The Corner

Peter King: Glenn Greenwald Must Be Prosecuted, ‘Matter of Life and Death’

On Fox News this afternoon, Peter King (R., N.Y.) called for the prosecution not just of Edward Snowden, the ex-CIA employee who leaked details about NSA surveillance operations and the government’s PRISM program, but also of Glenn Greenwald, the reporter who first broke the details in the U.K.’s Guardian. Greenwald is an American citizen currently living overseas.

“No right is absolute; even the press has restrictions,” said King, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence. King says that Greenwald is threatening to release the names and locations of CIA assets worldwide. “That to me is a direct attack against Americans, putting American lives at risk.”

Accusing his colleagues of misrepresenting the surveillance programs as “spying” and “snooping,” King added, “Too many Republicans and conservatives have become Michael Moores, and I think it’s really dangerous to our country.”

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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