The Corner

Pew Gives McCain a National Lead

In a new poll.

McCain: 22%

Giuliani: 20%

Huckabee: 17%

Romney: 12%

Thompson: 9%

Pew notes: “The growth in support for McCain is most notable among moderate and liberal Republicans, where he is up 10 points since September. Huckabee’s gains were strongest among conservative Republicans, where he currently garners as much support at McCain (20%).”

UPDATE: An e-mailer yawns:

Don’t bet on it.

In case you haven’t seen these types of contracts before, it’s from TradeSports (, and they bet money on contracts. A contract price of 50 is the 50/50 point with anything above 50 being “more likely” and anything below 50 being “less likely.” The closer the contract price is to extremes indicates bettors’ confidence in the contract. You can see for yourself where McCain is for the GOP nomination. Not that it couldn’t change, but right now, the odds are low.

UPDATE: Maybe your McCain money is safe after all

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