The Corner

Pimp of The Year

No, this is not another Abramoff post. This concerns Matthew Thompkins, whom Radio Derb listeners will recall as boasting Pimp of the Year trophies for two consecutive years. The trophies were discovered by police when they raided Thompkins’s New Jersey home.

I opined in my radio segment that the whole awards business is getting out of hand.

Apparently the award is a real one. Reading a story this morning about the splendid American character and criminal defense attorney James “Bucky” Buchanan, I came across this:

“[Buchanan] has represented ‘Springfield Sam’ Manarite, a well-known, 80ish former mob boss, and ‘Kenny Red’ Wright, deemed Pimp of the Year in 2003 at the annual Pimp Ball in Chicago.”

Any readers know anything about this Pimp Ball? Any reader been to one? Where d’you buy tickets? Just curious.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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