The Corner

Politics & Policy

Finally, a Fake ID Democrats Care About


Democrats on the House Oversight Committee are asking committee chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah — who grilled Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards about her organization’s finances last week — to call [Center for Medical Progress filmmaker David] Daleiden to explain how he allegedly pretended to be an employee of a tissue bank. The lawmakers released a list of 21 questions for Daleiden, as well as a fake ID (for a “Robert Sarkis”) he allegedly used to fool Planned Parenthood clinic officials into talking about fetal tissue donation programs. . . .

The fake California driver’s license and allegedly fake corporate filings made by CMP in its campaign to videotape abortion clinic doctors have been cited in calls by House Democrats to California Attorney General Kamala Harris to investigate the anti-abortion group.

Woah! So what you’re saying is, a guy who went undercover used a fake ID so that the targets of his undercover operation wouldn’t know he was undercover?! Unbelievable! Let’s get this Fakey McFakerson in cuffs, stat!

When you’re less concerned with videotaped infanticide confessions than the tax filings of the videomaker, maybe you should rethink your priorities.

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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