The Corner

Planned Parenthood’s Christmas Bonus From Congress

A pro-life Hill aide points out more Omnibus outrageousness: 

$327 million is allocated for the Title X Family Planning Program which provides funding to groups like Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the nation.  This is a $10 million increase over last year (FY10 level was $317 million) and a $44 million increase over the last four years (FY07 level was $283 million). (page 979)

Other similar bonuses include: 

  $710 million is appropriated for international family planning/reproductive health which provides funding to organizations that promote and perform abortion overseas.  This is a $62 million increase over last year (FY10 level was $648 million) and $270 million increase over the last four years (FY07 level was $440 million). (page 1379)

There’s also this: 

 The bill establishes an Office of Global Women’s Issues at the department of State headed by an Ambassador-at-Large, and the position of Gender Integration and Development Advisor at USAID.   In prior efforts to establish these positions and offices, pro-life leaders have expressed concern that the offices will support international efforts to promote abortion. (pages 1449-1453)

And there’s even more along these lines — including a stealth undermining of abortion funding in the District of Columbia.

Sorry, Senator Durbin, to insist on reading this time. 

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