The Corner

Pledge Follow-up

A reader e-mail, one of several similar:

[Quoting me] “Hoo boy, so every legislative act will now come with a lengthy debate on constitutional exegesis? That should gum up the works.”

Don’t knock it! That’s a good thing! We want the works gummed up. The more friction and delay in the legislative process, the better. I think all legislative debates should have to be conducted in a difficult to learn foreign language (Japanese?) and they should have to read the entire text of the Constitution out loud anytime they get up to speak before they say whatever they want to say. Oh, and let’s pull the plug on electricity and air conditioning on Capitol Hill, so that Congress will be in session only during the daytime during the spring and autumn months when Washington is tolerable.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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