The Corner

White House

Plurality of Americans Support Impeaching Trump

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky meets with President Donald Trump during the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, Sept. 25, 2019. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

Since the news broke earlier this week about President Trump’s controversial phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, several polls have found that a plurality of Americans support impeaching him.

A poll from YouGov/HuffPost, surveying 1000 respondents from Tuesday to Thursday, found that 47 percent support impeachment compared to 39 percent who oppose, an eight-point uptick from the last time they surveyed the public on the question. More than eight in ten respondents who identify as Democrats said they favor impeachment, compared to 37 percent of independents and just 11 percent of Republicans.

A Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour survey, meanwhile, taken on Wednesday, found that nearly half of Americans support impeachment. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they favor impeaching Trump, while 46 percent said they oppose it. Half of respondents said they think the inquiry is a “serious matter,” while 48 percent said it’s “just politics.”The survey also found that half of independents disapprove of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, and 52 percent said it isn’t worth the time if the Senate ultimately fails to convict Trump.

On Tuesday, a Harris/Rasmussen survey shows 44 percent of voters favoring impeachment, compared to 41 percent who view impeachment with disfavor, a 3 percent rise since the last time they asked the question. Rasmussen Research has found that support for impeachment has held fairly steady over the course of the year, hovering somewhere between 40 and 45 percent.

Finally, a poll from Morning Consult/Politico — surveying 1,640 registered voters between Tuesday and Thursday of this week — was the only one of the four not to find plurality support for impeachment. Instead, the survey shows a tie, with 43 percent of Americans favoring impeachment and 43 percent disfavoring it. Support for impeachment rose seven points from a similar survey conducted over the weekend, before news of the call broke.

In that poll from the weekend, one-third of independent voters favored impeachment; that has now risen to 39 percent. Among Republicans meanwhile, support for impeachment rose from 5 to 10 percent. Fifty-nine percent of voters who support impeachment said they believe the president committed an impeachable offense, a high since the survey began asking the question in May 2017. Thirty-seven percent of impeachment supporters, meanwhile, said they believe Trump should be removed from office.

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