The Corner

A Political Cancer

E-mails like this never cease to amaze me (and I wish I could say it was the only one like it I have received since last night):

So, Edwards is about to drop out of the race because his wife’s cancer had returned? Looks like your prayers have been answered. I suppose you’ll also be “praying” for the other Democratic candidates.

You’re not fooling anyone. We see right through you.

Who thinks like that?

Congratulations to our right-wing friends Laura Ingraham and Noemie Emery for being another year cancer free (for two years and six years now, respectively) and all our prayers for the Edwards family. I don’t give a fig what your politics are…no one deserves the pain Cathy Seipp’s daughter is living with today. And while you’re on your knees, spare a prayer for civility and sanity in American politics.

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