The Corner

The Politicization of Everything

The Hemingway household was playing catch-up this evening with unwatched Jeopardy! episodes on the DVR. This is actually from Monday’s Jeopardy! College Tournament episode, but I was taken a little aback by this clue from a category promoting a new PBS documentary on Geronimo, natch:

Late in life, Geronimo got co-opted by the white power structure, even riding in this president’s 1905 inaugural parade.

Um, what? Here’s the dedication from Geronimo’s autobiography:

Because he has given me permission to tell my story; because he has read that story and knows I try to speak the truth; because I believe that he is fair-minded and will cause my people to receive justice in the future; and because he is chief of a great people, I dedicate this story of my life to Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States.

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