The Corner

Porn in the Military

Another chaplain writes in:

I’m a chaplain in a light infantry battalion in the Army. When deployed, porn is everywhere. I would go into Soldiers’ “hooches” and have to see it posted on the walls while I counseled them regarding their marriages.

After counseling scores of husbands and couples, I can say that porn is definitely one of the many factors that contributes to the deterioration of marriages in the military. In my redeployment briefs (the ones I give before the unit comes back home), I talk to them about how porn hurts their marriages. I tell them that when they look at porn, their wives lose confidence in themselves. In addition, I tell them that it actually diminishes their sex drive.

Yes, these guys will get their hands on it. But there is no reason it needs to be available in the PX on CONUS or OCONUS posts, or on FOBs in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

(More e-mails to come — they’ve come from all sides — and more on this topic.) 

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