The Corner

Post 9/11 Thinking

I really wish Cheney would point out: After 9/11, we had to look at the world differently. We had to begin to judge rogue dictators and terrorist masters – such as Saddam Hussein — differently. We can no longer be cavalier about those who threaten us — as we were before 9/11.

And why does no one ask about Senator’s Kerry’s vote against the first Gulf War?

Had Kerry been president in the early 1990s, Saddam Hussein would have swallowed Kuwait and all its oil wealth. And he would have developed nuclear weapons. Only the invasion that Kerry voted against prevented that catastrophic outcome.

Clifford D. MayClifford D. May is an American journalist and editor. He is the president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a conservative policy institute created shortly after the 9/11 attacks, ...
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