The Corner

The Question

It is a rude question, an insulting question, and even a McCarthyite question. But conservatives have been asking it for years: Is he doing it on purpose? Or is it simply accidental?

I will translate: Is Obama weakening America, both at home and abroad, on purpose, or is it simply the result of his misguided policies and personal incompetence?

There are people on the right who get very, very upset if you even pose the question: because, to them, it’s obvious that Obama is doing it all on purpose.

In any event, that was at the heart of the now-famous exchange between Chris Christie and Marco Rubio at the debate last night. Righties who are indisposed toward Rubio, regarding him as too moderate, should have cheered him during that exchange: because he was saying, Obama is not incompetent. On the contrary, he’s all too good at carrying out his agenda, which is a left-wing and destructive one.

Christie thought, or pretended, that this was nuts: Look at how the Obama administration has run the VA! But that’s not what Rubio meant, of course.

I am with Marco on this one. Years ago, Clinton — and the missus — tried to get ClintonCare, or, as we sometimes called it, HillaryCare. No dice. Obama achieved this basic aim — with his ObamaCare. He has denuded the military. He has turned his back on the democrats in Iran and effected his rapprochement with the regime. He has done the same regarding Cuba.

One could go on, and on.

Obama wanted to transform the country fundamentally, making it more like Europe. He has done pretty much what the Columbia poli-sci department would do, if it got its hands on power. He has taken the country down a peg or two, or three. He has gotten us off our high horse, all right. Obama is openly proud of his achievements. The rest of the Left should be as well. The American people gave them executive power for eight years, and they have made the most of it, pledging to milk it to the very last drop.

We have a lot of repairing to do, a huge correction to undertake. I hope the voters will vote for it in November. I myself am a Cruzer. (Disclosure.) But the voters and I have often been at odds over the years …

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