The Corner

President…and Superhero

“There seems to me no question,” wrote novelist and screenwriter Andrew Klavan this past summer,

that the Batman film ‘The Dark Knight’…is at some level a paen of praise to the fortitude and moral courage shown by George W. Bush in this time of terror and war.

ME (on today’s Uncommon Knowledge, after reading that passage back to him):  Aw, come on.

KLAVAN:  See?  That’s just the response I’m always getting.  “Aw, come on.”  Well, “Aw, come on” is not argument.

To watch Andrew Klavan, the author, most recently, of Empire of Lies, elaborate–and a provocative and delightful sight it is–click here.

Peter Robinson — Peter M. Robinson is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution.
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