The Corner

Politics & Policy

Get Your Presidential Immigration Scorecard Before Tonight’s Debate

Numbers USA has grade-cards on immigration for the presidential candidates. They’ve already been adjusting the grades based on new statements, with several of the Republican candidates earning slightly higher grades as they scurry to respond to Trump’s success.

You might be surprised that Jeb actually gets a C (rather than, say, Lindsey Graham’s F), but one of the ways a candidates earns demerits is when he’s taken no position at all about a particular wrinkle of the issue. That’s why Walker, for instance, is only a B- (though that’s the second-highest grade after Santorum) – all his most recent comments are encouraging, but there are significant gaps, where he hasn’t said anything yet, such as on chain migration. Jeb, on the other hand, has gone into more detail, some of it good (though the whole package, as I explain on the home page today, is just the Gang of Eight bill).

You’re free to agree or disagree with their specific grades, but it’s a valuable service, since you can click through to see the specific statements, with citations, they rely on for the grades on each specific sub-topic.

My only question is, where’s Pataki?

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