The Corner

NR Webathon

Press the Advantage

National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr. (National Review)

You’re up in the count, 3 balls and no strikes — what do you do?

It’s 3rd and 1, and a defensive lineman just jumped offsides: Do you run the ball up the middle or audible to a deep throw to the post?

You’re up a couple of baskets, and the other team just put you in the double bonus. A player was just sent to the penalty box and the power play is on. The referee just sent a man off for a reckless tackle, and you’re now playing eleven vs. ten.

In sports as in life: When you’re up, press your advantage.

At National Review, that’s what we’re asking that our readers and supporters do right now. Last week, we set a goal of $100,000 raised in support of our bold brand of conservative journalism. After a successful first few days, a generous friend pledged to match every dollar raised up to $100K.

That supercharged us. On Thursday alone, supporters like you gave $40,000 to the cause.

We’ve now raised more than $76,000 towards our goal of $100K — and every dime of that will be doubled once the matching pledge is factored in.

Will you help us get over the line? Will you help us press our advantage during this power play?

At NR, we’ve always counted on our generous supporters to keep us in the game.

If you care about Jim Geraghty’s early coverage of the Covid lab-leak theory, the special issue of the magazine we published rebutting the historically illiterate claims of the New York Times’ 1619 Project, and Maddy Kearns’s fearless reporting on the social-contagion factor for transgender teens, please help keep us in the field.

Since 1955 — 68 long years — National Review has been fighting the good fight, making the case for strong families, strong local communities, and limited government that stays in its lane.

Help us press home our advantage and make use of every dime of the $100,000 matching pledge count. Thank you all for your generous support.

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