The Corner

Of Prime Importance

The March result by Goldston and Yildirim on the gaps between prime numbers

(which I posted a note about a few weeks ago) has now been found to have a flaw in its proof. G&Y have

gone back to the drawing board. I must say, reading about this makes a

refreshing change from the worlds of politics and the humanities, where

nobody ever admits he is wrong about anything. When I wrote about

Creationism recently on this site, I got lots of e-mail from anti-Darwinians

telling me how stubbornly scientists cling to wrong ideas, and how ruthless

they are in defense of their pet theories. Well, I have no doubt that,

personality-wise, a scientist can be as blinkered and pig-headed as anyone

else; and scientific disputes in which the evidence is ambiguous can get

very rancorous. The peer-review process is remorseless, though, especially

in math, and the only possible attitude for a researcher faced with

convincing refutation is one of absolute humility before truth and logic.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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