The Corner


Pro-Life? Not Welcome in Andrew Cuomo’s New York

New York governor Andrew Cuomo (Spencer Platt/Getty)

Today from Albany, Governor Cuomo not only gave his analysis of the Republican party but declared the state not big enough for those who want to defend the sanctity of human life against his abortion-expansion plans, among others:

You have a schism within the Republican Party. … They’re searching to define their soul, that’s what’s going on. Is the Republican party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party? That’s what they’re trying to figure out. It’s a mirror of what’s going on in Washington. The gridlock in Washington is less about Democrats and Republicans. It’s more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans.

… You’re seeing that play out in New York. … The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE Act — it was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate! Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.

If they’re moderate Republicans like in the Senate right now, who control the Senate — moderate Republicans have a place in their state. George Pataki was governor of this state as a moderate Republican; but not what you’re hearing from them on the far right.”

Is this what an unholy theology of being “personally opposed” begets?

During his state of the state address last week, he did not shout “Your body, your choice!” multiple times, as he did last year. But it seems he had other plans to make his stubborn insistence that his isn’t the radical campaign, seeking to expand abortion in a state with miserable high occurrences of the grave, irreversible misery, in a state that ought to heed the leadership of the pro-life women of Seneca Falls instead this false play for women’s health and freedom.

Apparently Dr. Anne Nolte, Dr. Elissa Sanchez-Speach, the Sisters of Life, Cheryl Calire, Kathy Gallagher, Lisa Hall, Susanne Metaxas, Maria McFadden and Anne Conlon, and Theresa Bonapartis — all women doing the work of helping provide women with alternatives to abortion — have no place in Andrew Cuomo’s New York. Fortunately none of them plan on leaving the Empire State to this culture of death without a fight.

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