The Corner


Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Provided a Record Number of Services in 2022

Today, the Charlotte Lozier Institute, Care Net, Heartbeat International, and the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates released a report entitled “Hope for a New Generation.”  This report surveyed 2,750 pro-life pregnancy help centers in all 50 states and provides valuable data on clients, staff, volunteers, and services.  Overall, this is the fifth national report detailing the lifesaving work done by pro-life pregnancy help centers across the country.

Importantly, “Hope for a New Generation” found impressive increases in the impact of pro-life pregnancy help centers. Specifically, in 2022, pregnancy help centers saw over 970,000 clients and provided over $358 million worth of goods and services to women, youth, and families.  These included everything from strollers and cribs to ultrasounds and pregnancy tests. Even more impressively, over 97 percent of people who sought assistance at pro-life pregnancy help centers reported a positive experience.

Pro-life pregnancy help centers certainly faced some unique challenges in 2022. The Dobbs decision placed additional demands on their resources. Furthermore, pro-abortion elected officials continue to promote legislation to hinder their efforts. Even worse, after the May 2022 leak of the Dobbs decision, some pregnancy help centers were even the targets of violence. However, “Hope for a New Generation” provides powerful evidence that pregnancy help centers succeeded in responding to all of these challenges.  Excellent news as pro-lifers continue our efforts to build a culture of life.

Michael J. New — Michael New is an assistant professor of practice at the Busch School of Business at the Catholic University of America and a senior associate scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute.
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