The Corner

Pro-Lifers Must Unite behind Romney

Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum recently told a gathering of social-conservative voters that Governor Mitt Romney was “solid” on social issues. “I’ve talked to Governor Romney,” said Santorum, “and I have no doubt, and I mean this in all sincerity, I have no doubt he understands the centrality of family.”

Santorum, a pro-life, pro-family champion, whom the Susan B. Anthony List was proud to support earlier this year, gives credit where credit is due. Governor Romney is the committed pro-life candidate in this race.

That’s not speculation or wishful thinking. Governor Romney has made firm commitments to protect the unborn, their mothers, and pro-life American taxpayers.

In response to the Susan B. Anthony List’s Pro-life Presidential Leadership Pledge, Governor Romney published his own Pro-life Pledge. In a post on National Review Online last June, Governor Romney committed himself to the pro-life position and called Roe v. Wade “bad law and bad medicine.”

He didn’t stop there. Rather than just check the pro-lifebox, Governor Romney went on to make concrete commitments to:

Defund Planned Parenthood and Big Abortion. Not since Ronald Reagan has a presidential nominee made so firm a promise to get taxpayers out of the abortion business. Recognizing that Planned Parenthood is America’s No. 1 abortion provider, Romney has pledged to support efforts to end federal funding for it and other abortion-centered, profit-driven businesses. Voters should take Governor Romney at his word—as Planned Parenthood has done: The leader of Big Abortion — most recently exposed as a willing ally of alleged human traffickers and the facilitator of sex-selective abortions — has already launched a wave of attack ads hitting Romney for vowing to stop the flow of taxpayer dollars to their overflowing coffers.#more#

End U.S. support of abortion overseas. Almost immediately after taking office, President Obama reversed the longstanding Mexico City Policy, sending millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars per year to abortion-centered foreign-aid groups as well as to the United Nations Population Fund, which helps to implement China’s brutal one-child policy. Recent reports showing gruesome evidence of government-forced abortion in China reveal our complicity, through our tax dollars, in the deaths of Chinese unborn children and their mothers. Governor Romney has pledged to reinstate the Mexico City Policy to ensure American taxpayers are no longer culpable for these atrocities overseas.

Protect unborn children capable of feeling pain from abortion: If elected president, Governor Romney has pledged to advocate for a Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This law, a version of which covering the District of Columbia is currently being considered by Congress, would stop abortions past 20 weeks gestation (nearly the sixth-month mark), the point at which the latest medical research shows the unborn child has the capacity to feel pain. Governor Romney stands for this commonsense, lifesaving legislation that affirms the dignity of women and protects unborn children capable of suffering at the hand of the abortionist’s deadly instruments.

Appoint constitutionalist justices to the Supreme Court: After last week’s ruling upholding Obamacare, which includes the largest expansion of taxpayer funding of abortion since Roe, it is clearer than ever how important it is that the president appoint strict constitutionalist justices. Governor Romney has pledged to “only appoint judges who adhere to the Constitution and the laws as they are written, not as they want them to be written.”

Select a pro-life vice-presidential running mate: Governor Romney understands that personnel are policy and, at last year’s Palmetto Freedom Forum in South Carolina, he pledged to select a pro-life running mate. This critical promise shows his dedication to ensuring a White House friendly to pro-life goals, including those explicit goals outlined above.

Governor Romney has made it clear that he is the pro-life candidate in this race — which is why the SBA List Board of Directors voted unanimously to stand behind him in April. It is the responsibility of all pro-life voters to now unite behind Governor Romney. Together we can put a pro-life leader in the White House.

— Marjorie Dannenfelser is president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a national pro-life organization dedicated to electing candidates and pursuing policies that will reduce and ultimately end abortion in the United States. The SBA List has endorsed Governor Romney for President. 

Marjorie Dannenfelser is president of the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List and the author of Life is Winning: Inside the Fight for Unborn Children and Their Mothers.
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