The Corner

A Question for Obama

Since he was first inaugurated in 2009, many of us have fantasized about asking President Obama a question. I’ve wanted to ask him about 500. Here’s one:

“After a jihadist atrocity, you’ve often counseled Americans against Islamophobia. A neighbor of the San Bernardino mass-murderers said he did not want to report his suspicions of the couple because he did not want to be accused of Islamophobia. People around the Fort Hood mass-murderer said the same thing. Now a former co-worker of the Orlando mass-murderer says that their employer did nothing about the guy because he was Muslim — and they thought they had to tread very lightly around him.

“Does any of this give you pause? Which do you think is the larger problem, or greater danger, in America: Islamophobia or jihadism, including murder, and mass murder at that?”

Quick aside: Americans are often blasted for their intolerance. Sometimes, they are tolerant to a fault. Also, political correctness can be fatal. Yes, can kill. If you have to choose between giving offense and saving life: Choose life, maybe.

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