The Corner

A Question For You

I’m in the process of putting together some NRO promotional kinda stuff. Some, which I admit, you may wind up seeing soon on your favorite website. Here’s why I tell you: I’m looking for a few good testimonials. Why do you read NRO? If you do, why do you love it–I know some of you do. What makes it different than anything else and worth your time? If you’re so inclined, mind sending me something, with permission to use your name and town? Be as specific, as creative as you want to be (funny stories welcome), or as brief and big-picture as you want to be. And, if you work for the administration, Hill, media, and want to make different arrangements in regard to attribution, we can work something out–I actually also just in general want a feel for who you’all are reading us daily. Anyhow, you know where to find me. And I thank you.

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