The Corner

Radosh Reviews Radical-in-Chief

I was delighted to see Ron Radosh’s review of my new book, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism, published in the latest issue of National Review. This is the first full-length review of the book. What makes it particularly important, I think, is the fact that Radosh was a high-level participant in many of the events I describe. He was on the planning committee of the Socialist Scholars Conferences, he personally knew many of the central characters in my story, and he fought many of the factional battles I describe.

On top of his insider’s knowledge of the world I describe, Radosh was skeptical about the Obama-as-socialist charge before reading the book. For all these reasons, it’s particularly gratifying to know that Radosh thinks so well of Radical-in-Chief.

Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
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