The Corner

Randi Rhodes Incident

Greg Pollowitz mentioned the Randi Rhodes incident over on the media blog. It is regrettable to discover that the left-wing radio host was hurt — she actually fell and hurt herself. I wish her a full recovery.

On the other hand, it is hilarious to see Internet liberals and her fellow hosts, upon learning of her injuries, jumping to conclusions and assuming immediately that she was attacked by right-wing hate criminals.

Fellow host Jon Elliott claimed on the liberal radio network that Rhodes had been mugged while walking her dog, Simon, on Sunday night. Elliot, who said Rhodes lost several teeth in the attack, waxed about a possible conspiracy.

“Is this an attempt by the right-wing, hate machine to silence one of our own?” he asked on the air, according to Talking Radio, a blog. “Are we threatening them? Are they afraid that we’re winning? Are they trying to silence intimidate us?”

A police source said Rhodes never filed a report and never claimed to be the victim of a mugging. Cops from Manhattan’s 17th Precinct called her attorney, who told them Rhodes was not a victim of a crime, the source said.

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