The Corner


Rape, Ideology, and Accurate Reporting

The Times of London reports how “the BBC changed the testimony of a rape victim after a debate over the pronouns of her transgender attacker.”

BBC staff debated whether to alter the source’s quotes, but eventually, the diversity contingent won, and every reference to “he” or “him” was replaced with “they” or “them” for fear of “misgendering” the alleged rapist.

Two thoughts on this. First, it is obviously unethical journalistic practice to substantively alter a source’s quotes without the person’s permission. Second, it is deranged to prioritize the feelings of an alleged rapist over accurate reporting. But then, despite claims to the contrary, this isn’t about individuals as much as ideological conformity.

I am reminded here of Ricky Gervais’s controversial trans segment in his SuperNature Netflix special. Mocking the unreasonable objection to single-sex spaces, Gervais acts out a confrontation between a woman and a trans activist. “What if he rapes me?” “What if she rapes you, you f***ing TERF whore?”

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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