The Corner


I’ve gotten a lot of response to my Dallas Morning

News column of last

week in which I talked about how difficult it can be for

conservatives in American newsrooms, and how the first thing conservatives

will notice upon being hired is how oppressive the liberal groupthink is

there. My mail is so split you’d think I was writing about parallel

universes. Journalists who are liberals all say, one way or another, “It’s

not true, and you right-wingers are whiners.” Self-described conservative

journalists, on the other hand, say, “It’s all true, thank you for saying

it, and let me tell you what it’s like here.” Part of the problem I

described in that column is a refusal by newsroom liberals even to

acknowledge that anti-conservative bias is a problem at all. I wrote in a

subsequent blog about N., a friend of mine who works in network news, and

who is a closet Christian out of fear that the same colleagues who

routinely trash Christianity in editorial meetings will retaliate if the

truth were known. I hear the same thing from practicing Christians in

secular newsrooms all over the country. Isn’t this shocking? It ought to be.

News executives ought to ask themselves how it is that some of their

employees have come to believe that such a climate of fear exists in their

newsrooms. If a gay employee were afraid to come out because he had had to

sit around and listen to bigoted anti-gay comments from his colleagues, it

would be an intolerable situation. Do conservative Christians, or political

conservatives, feel the same way? Do editors and producers even bother to


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