The Corner


A Ratings Game

Years ago, I heard my colleague Christopher Caldwell say something interesting (well, many interesting things, but here’s one of them): “The least overrated place in America is the Grand Canyon. The most overrated place is Yankee Stadium.”

Some things are what they’re cracked up to be. Other things — not so much.

Today in my “Istanbul Journal,” I marvel at the Topkapi Palace. Everyone says that it’s must-see, an all-time sight. Yeah, yeah: They say that about a lot of things, which have left me underwhelmed. (I fully recognize that the fault may lie in me, and probably does.) The Topkapi Palace, however, is a dazzler.

I thought I might propose a game, for those interested. What are the places you have found “least overrated”? And, conversely, “most overrated”? Supply the answers in the comments section, below, or write me at I’ll report on the answers “in due course” (as WFB would say).

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