The Corner

At the Raucous Rally for Michael Brown

Al Sharpton led a rally for Michael Brown and his family that started at 3 p.m. at Greater Grace Church in Ferguson. The church was filled to the brim, people watched on televisions in the foyer, and massive crowds gathered outside in the parking lot listened on radios. People danced, shouted, and shook the building — one light hung loose, falling through the rafters above a balcony.

Michael Brown’s parents were in attendance but had chosen not to speak. Jesse Jackson looked on from the front row as Sharpton, Martin Luther King III, and Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson all spoke at the rally.

“[The death of Michael Brown] will be a defining moment in how this country deals with policing and the rights of citizens,” Sharpton said. King called on police forces to receive diversity training in order to better handle situations like the one in Ferguson. And Johnson stood before the crowd, as the photo below shows, and said, “I wear this uniform, and I should stand up here and say I’m sorry.”

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