The Corner

Raul Labrador Uses Colorful Language to Target Democratic Hypocrisy

Representative Raul Labrador of Idaho used colorful language at a House Judiciary Committee hearing just now in ripping into Democrats for their lack of concern about President Obama’s alleged abuses of the law after they “seemed to b**** and whine for eight years” during the Bush era.

Labrador cited two law-professor witnesses, Jonathan Turley and Michael Cannon, who are from different sides of the political spectrum but shared concerns about Bush and Obama’s executive actions. Like them, Labrador said, he was outraged by Bush’s use of executive power and hoped that Obama would chart a different course.

“I’m actually really disappointed that we are here at this hearing today. And I’m surprised that my friends on the other side don’t think that this is an important hearing. Because they seemed to b**** and whine for eight years about what the Bush administration did. And all of a sudden they don’t seem to have one single concern about what this president is doing with his authority,” Labroador said.

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