The Corner

Re: Anti-Semitism

It just so happens I’m working on something relevant to this discussion (for that rhymes-with-shnook thing). A couple quick points. One, I like Roth’s book, but it should be said, generally speaking, that the book re-opened the charge that Lindbergh was a raving anti-Semite. He wasn’t. He had views toward Jews I do not like or endorse, but they were wildly misunderstood. Lindbergh didn’t “hate” Jews. He was no Henry Ford (Now there was an anti-Semite!). Lindbergh was friends with Jews and rescued some from Hitler’s Germany. He didn’t endorse programs of anti-Semitism here or abroad. He did think Jews were different than non-Jews and that American Jews were different that normal Americans (which is instructive since the assumption of the dual loyalty of American Jews actually predates the founding of Israel).

Second, I think people need to be reminded how enduring Jew-hatred has been on the radical left. The conferance in Durban South Africa Kathryn mentions was not a new or radical departure from the history of Third World nationalism since the 1960s. It was perfectly consistent with it. Black nationalists — the folk heroes of even the white Jewish left in the 1960s — have embraced or tolerated anti-Semitism from the get-go. Here’s a poem from a Black Panther magazine I recently dug up:

We’re gonna burn their towns and ain’t all

We’re gonna piss upon the Wailing Wall

And then we’ll get Kosygin and de Gaulle

That will be ecstasy, killing every Jew in Jewland

Anyway, I just figured I’d chime in with that because I’m working on this stuff now. I’d welcome feedback.

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