The Corner

Re: Bishop Robinson

I don’t want to bang on about this too much, but I am in a state of black

despair about this whole miserable business. Look: I’m an Anglican. I

know the hymns and liturgy, I know the history. I grew up with it all. I

go into an Episcopalian church as one going to a refuge from noise and money

and the damn fool Zeitgeist. I go looking for eternal truth, and expecting

to find it. If this church that I grew up with is going to be a club for

homosexuals, turning its teachings upside down to accommodate every passing

social fad, “celebrating” the “gay” ethos, what is there in it for normal

people like me? But now where shall I go? The Roman Catholic church is

headed the same way–half the priests are queer already, people tell me. I

get e-mails–a surprising number–from people who have left the western

Catholic churches and found a spiritual home among the Orthodox. Well, I’m

open to the suggestion; but why, in my fifties, should I have to give up the

devotional habits of a lifetime? Just losing the hymns would break my

heart. And in any case, the Orthodox priesthood, with all those bright

vestments and ministrational hierarchies, is going to be just as appealing

to homosexuals as the Catholic churches have proved, and will sooner or

later go the same way. We have let something loose in our society, and it

won’t rest until it has occupied the commanding heights and forcibly shut

the mouths of all who object–bigots! homophobes! haters! I have never

liked homosexuality, nor tried to hide that fact; but all my life I have

supported tolerance towards homosexuals as a harmless minority who are just

as entitled to pursue their private inclinations as the rest of us. I have

always thought that the criminalization of homosexual acts was both foolish,

and inhumane, and un-Christian. I am no longer so sure. Perhaps our

grandfathers were wiser than us. Perhaps there are some things that we, the

normal majority, SHOULD, deliberately and consciously, disapprove and

marginalize. But what hope of that now? The toothpaste is out of the tube.

To the catacombs!

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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