The Corner

Re: Citizen Day Laborers

Derb: Ha! I see your scoop on American day laborers and raise, with this post of mine from December on Americans even crowding illegals out of farm work.

And I’m not sure I’d describe our immigration policy as “clinically insane” — the ugly truth us that many prominent advocates of mass immigration just prefer foreigners over their fellow Americans. For instance, Roy Beck blogged yesterday on a column by a “garment manufacturer in the Los Angeles area” (sweatshop, anyone?) justifying the preference given to illegal aliens over American workers. I liked this line: “The Restrictionists would have us fire good, experienced, and proven – albeit undocumented workers, and replace them with citizen trainees that cannot find jobs in their respective fields, and are theoretically willing to take jobs picking fruit, making hotel beds, or manufacturing products, until the economy expands, and they can get a better job.” Heaven forfend! Oh, and he refers to “hundreds of millions of proud Americans, (some 12,000,000 or so being undocumented, but American none-the-less).” So illegal aliens now aren’t just God’s children, they’re actually Americans already, all of them. Lest you think he’s a random nut, his wife is a prominent immigration lawyer and the piece is featured on the site of one of the most prominent pro-amnesty coalitions. I tell you, this contempt for Americans runs deep and wide in the pro-amnesty camp.

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