The Corner

Re: Commencement Addresses

Regarding my earlier post about how

I’ve learned since graduation that one should never take for granted that

success is going to come easy for you because you’re smart, a thoughtful

reader writes about hard-won wisdom:

Rod, this post in the Corner hits home for me. I spent some time in the

hospital recently for drinking, and looking back on things I had been one of

the brainier kids in school but I’ve done pretty much zero with it. Which

means I feel like I have one hell of a lot of catching up to do, and a

responsibility to contribute something to society other than just having a

job and paying taxes. I’m not exactly sure what it is I’ll end up doing,

some volunteer work of some kind for sure, but it will be something I (now)

wish I had done all along. To me, smart doesn’t mean s–t. What’s important

is to do something with your life no matter what God/Yahweh/Not Really Sure

has seen fit to deposit in your melon. … I’m reminded of one of the girls

I graduated high school with. A bright girl, but she had a tougher time

picking things up than most of the college-bound dorks. I used to give her a

hard time sometimes, good-naturedly, and she was always a good sport. I wish

I had been a little more understanding then.

She now has a PhD. I think she won.

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