The Corner

Re: Dog Eat Dog World

Many, many thanks to all the 47 readers who emailed in with sympathy, outrage, and excellent advice following my report on our neighborhood hippie with two mean curs and an open-borders approach to leashing and backyard maintenance.

Toby is pretty much back to normal, though of course with an ugly scar and still with that cone collar, which he hates with a passion. Stitches and collar get removed tomorrow, all being well. Then we add up the vet bills and the human fun starts.

Thanks also to readers congratulating me on seven years of U.S. citizenship (as of this coming Sunday, Patriots’ Day old style). NRO readers are the greatest. I plan to spend the anniversary up in the tree house. I shall hang out Old Glory, sling my hammock, and catch up on some reading while meting out stern punishment to a bottle of bourbon and a bucket of ice.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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