The Corner

Re: Giuliani as the Most Liberal

Yuval, you presume as people have for two years now that the bloom will fade on Giuliani’s rose once Republicans figure out that he’s socially liberal. But then what accounts for Giuliani’s extremely respectable showing in the CPAC straw poll? I don’t think such things matter except that it suggests voting for him is not in the least unthinkable for very self-conscious conservatives. I get the feeling — not from you but from some e-mailers — that there’s a certain degree of desperate hope in this argument by now, that the GOP base will rise from its slumber, stop being ill-informed, learn Rudy has dressed in drag and consorts with homosexuals, and will prevent him from taking the nomination. Maybe it will happen. But there’s no evidence it’s going to. In fact, the evidence is running in the other direction so far.

John Podhoretz, a New York Post columnist for 25 years, is the editor of Commentary.
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