The Corner

Re: Hit The Road Jack

Okay, I haven’t followed the Ryan thing closely. But here are few thoughts. First, he should go. Maybe there’s a legitimate privacy issue, maybe it’s unfair, maybe this, maybe that. If he’s damaged goods and can’t win (I don’t know if that’s the case, but it sounds like it) he should drop out. Second, if all of this stuff is true, he’s a pig. But divorce papers are notoriously slanderous so we should keep that in mind. Third, which brings me to something I’m confused about. Jeri Ryan allegedly says that her husband brought her to sex clubs on more than one occasion, right? And she says she was horrified, disgusted and physically ill from what she saw. Fair enough, but why did she go to such clubs on more than one occasion. If I dragged the missus to one of those places once, I sincerely doubt I could get her in the door (or her foot off my throat) a second time. Fourth, where are the privacy zealots? Throughout Clinton week we’re being reminded of how terrible it was to pry into Clinton’s private life. Andrew Sullivan and others defended Gary Condit and countless others from less outrageous intrusions into their private lives, why is Ryan fair game?

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