The Corner

RE: Hysterical Points Memo

So after I called Josh Marshall out last night for breathlessly attacking Sarah Palin for espousing roughly the same foreign policy position as Jobama, he later adds this oh-so-helpful clarification:

Late Update: A further point. It’s true that Obama and Biden both favor Georgia’s accession into NATO — a very bad policy position, as I’ve argued before. However, I do not think that their positions and McCain’s positions are equal. The best analogy I can point to is the nominal agreement on Iraq policy (embodied in the Iraq Liberation Act) between the Clinton administration and the most radical neocons in the late 1990s. Nominally, they shared a policy. In practice, however, it was one group that was completely nuts and gung-ho in favor of a reckless idea and another that was sort of dabbling in and passively favoring the same policy. Not that that is saying much in the latter’s favor. But there’s a big difference.  

Let me translate that for you: We all know Republicans mean what they say, but Democrats just kind of say they’re in favor of certain policies and they may or may not do anything about it. Well, that inspires confidence, no?   

(H/T: Tom Maguire)

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