The Corner

Re: Immigration Idiocy

From a reader:

Hi Mr. Goldberg,

A fan of yours from the Academia!.

W.R.T. your pointer to Ilya Shapiro making a very good point about

overqualified immigrants getting the shaft

This is not really new. I have been here in the US since 1993 and

only next year I’ll qualify to become a US citizen after jumping through

the all the hoops that the Immigration Service put forth. This is one of

the reasons I strongly oppose illegals, because they end up getting better

deals. However, I have been reminded many times by academic colleagues

who generally support amnesty that “life is not really fair” when I make

my view known.

I have a solution to this problem though. Anyone who is/ has been here

illegally should never ever be allowed to get US citizenship nor be

allowed to vote. I am ok with them getting work permit and becoming

legals with some waiting period etc., but no path to citizenship should

ever be provided to the law breakers. I think this is only fair. This will

take away the political muscle of so called “illegal immigrants”.

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