The Corner

Re: Jonah’s Dry Powder

Jonah, I’m going to try to be brief, because

I’ve got a family in there demanding that I come in and help take the tree

down, but also because I want to keep my powder dry on this until the book

comes out. But, let me try to address your objections at admittedly

insufficient length:

Easy ones first. Jonah, what part of my earlier blog (in response to Peter)

on Hillary Clinton’s It Takes a Village didn’t you understand? I said that

if she means that we needed a strong federal government to raise our

children, then I dissent. I explained that I take her popularization of that

phrase (which didn’t originate with her) to mean that we cannot be

indifferent to the social context in which our children are raised — and

that government can have a role in creating conditions that make it easier

to raise good kids. It sounds to me like your knee is jerking here, as if

you’re saying that just because Hillary Clinton said it, it must be Bad.

Secondly, jeez, I was joking on “admirably scruffy,” playing off the whole

unshaven liberal stereotype I invoked earlier in the Times column. As you

did the other day with Jeff Hart’s use of the word “utopian,” it seems to me

that your seizing on writing that is not as precise as you would have it and

harping on a single word as an (unpersuasive) means of discrediting the

whole. For the record, I don’t find Bob Geldof’s scruffiness literally

admirable, or not.

Third, I don’t love Whole Foods. I don’t dislike it, to be sure, but I have

reservations about the place. You are reading something into my Times piece

that doesn’t exist. As my wife will tell you, I have a chip on my shoulder

about shopping there from time to time, because although I like the quality

of the food, and the fact that the meat is not factory-farmed, I don’t buy

into the vibe there. I mentioned in my Times column that it’s interesting

that the guy who founded Whole Foods, which is growing by leaps and bounds

(it got listed on the S&P just last week), is something of a Reaganite, and

he wants to use the market and consumer preferences to morally worthwhile

ends, re: animal husbandry. What that shows is that familiar stereotypes are

breaking down. That’s why I brought it up in my Times piece.

Finally, you write:

First of all, the use of the word “now.” What the heck

are you talking about? What, exactly, did we learn and when did we learn it

since Ronald Reagan was in office that caused this epiphany? The writers you

cite — at least the conservative ones — knew that there was more than the

free market over fifty years ago. But presumably that “now” means some new

data has been thrown into the hopper. I am dying to know what that might


I’m sorry, Jonah, but it seems to me you’re being pedantic about this stuff.

I know you’re responding to a single newspaper column, and not my actual

book (in which I cite what many conservative writers of yore had to say

about the insufficiency of the market). I didn’t have the space to get into

the 20th century conservative writers who were skeptical about the market’s

effect on institutions that ought to be conserved. Of course they exist! May

they be rediscovered! Richard Weaver forever! What I was talking about in

the Times bit is the strong general sentiment in popular conservatism of the

past two decades that there’s nothing wrong with society that getting

government off the backs of the market can’t fix. When I say “now,” I’m

talking about now that we’ve lived through 20+ years of a Reagan-Thatcher

economic revolution that did a world of good in freeing up the economy from

statist shackles, we conservatives should look around us and understand that

there are serious problems in society that the market cannot solve — and in

some cases the unfettered free market makes worse. I think (and argue this

in the book) that we should rediscover these traditionalist conservative

writers and thinkers — did you not see that reference in my Times essay? –

and reinterpret their insights for the needs of the current moment.

I’ll let you have the last word. I’m checking out for now, and I don’t

want to argue at length about this stuff until the book is out. Cheers!

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