The Corner

Re: The July Surprise

Just remember we called it. (Jonah, coin a phrase and copyright it!) Yesterday on CNN some Kerry or DNC official promised there would be surprises. There she blows. And meanwhile everyone talks about her before and after. It’s great for her. But I do have one problem with the stunt theory: Doesn’t this hurt Kerry? Like a knight he gives her her podium, that the people and the party want her to have. Ok. But we all talked about her for the week before and in the days after. Star female. Great Democratic hope. Everyone’s talking 2008 not 2004. I know it always happens–the fast forward to four years, every four years–but it just seems to me that the Hillary talk is a big deal for Kerry, competition wise. She’s, frankly, a heck of a lot more impressive than who they’ve got. She votes, she contributes, she excites. Plus she’s a superstar. If I were Kerry, Hillary’s would be the most dreaded name imaginable. She doesn’t just rally–she reminds people what they don’t have: a true-believing candidate who they love.

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