The Corner

Re: Kindle

Big response, with most readers, like Michael, very positive about it, several saying they even read faster on it than on dead-tree books. The most frequent complaint was that pdfs didn’t work very well on it, which for me would be a little bit of a problem. But at $359, I’ll have to hold off in any case.

This comment suggests people may keep buying dead-tree books, but mainly as souvenirs:

I loaded my Kindle up with books by NR authors before the cruise, read several ahead of time and continued to read on board when I (rarely) had the time.  It is truly great for travel. 

One disadvantage (or advantage depending on one’s point of view): you can’t have an author autograph your Kindle book. I had to buy yet another copy of America Alone to get Mark Steyn’s autograph. That will be a Christmas present for my older son.

And I know they didn’t mean it this way, but the name’s kind of creepy, suggesting the use of books for kindling.

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