The Corner

Re: Knock, Knock

From a reader:

Jonah: I’m mostly concerned about the no-knock rule because of the increasing militarization of our police forces. More and more routine warrants are being served by swat teams in no-knock swat raids — which just doesn’t seem right to me. With an increase in such raids there’s an increase in mistakes — cops raiding the wrong house, etc — and that gets innocent people terrified or killed. I know if someone broke into my house I’d rise with a gun to fight them off — and get myself killed for it, for daring to defend my family. I guess it’s an aesthetic thing — it just doesn’t feel right. Is America supposed to be like that? Sure, if they knock loudly and wait it gives the badguys warning — possibly enough time to flush the evidence. But if they’re looking for a serious drug dealer, would that delay really be enough time to wake up, relaize what’s happening, and flush everything? A few crack rocks, sure — but certainly not an ounce of pot or a kilo of coke. I have to admit to being one of those evil Libertarians, so I guess I deserve an ad hominem. Anyhow, Radley Balko has been posting alot about Paramilitary police raids, and it’s worth taking a look through.

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