The Corner

Re: Lost It With Nemo

All right, perhaps Nemo is great for tots. I took Ollie (almost 8) to see

it, with Nellie (age 10½) and Nellie’s friend (same age). Ollie’s verdict

was “boring,” though I should add that this is a word he uses a lot

nowadays. It is, in fact, very nearly the only word he uses nowadays.

Nellie: “OK, I guess.” However, we got to the theater late, there were no

instances of four empty seats together, so I let Nellie sit in another part

of the theater with her friend, and my guess is they snuck out to watch

Bruce Almighty in another part of the multiplex. Nellie had been whining

to watch Bruce Almighty for days. (Nellie: “But all my friends have seen

it! Molly has seen it, and Katie and Cody and Bridget and Isobel and Anna

and Ashley and Karen and Michelle and Lyn…” Derb: “Honey, which part of

’PG-13′ is it that you don’t understand?”) The whining has now miraculously

stopped. I bet that’s what they did. This was not negligent parenting on

my part, more like Nelson at the Battle of Copenhagen.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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