The Corner

Re: Marriage

Rod, I disagree. I was glad he said what he said as he said it. In recent days, there were some rumors he might come out and support a Federal Marriage Amendment. But considering that conservatives who are for an amendment aren’t even together about what they want, I don’t blame him for not endorsing anything. Plus, I like the message the courts vs. the people. (It’s a situation we find ourselves in re other moral issues, of course.) He said this must be solved. Period. And that marriage is between a man and woman. Period. And that he’ll support an amendment if it is the only alternative—which he probably thinks it is, shortly. Seems like the right message—I don’t want him being too enthused about adding to the Constitution. (And its not like he would have had vast unified troops behind him if he had–yet.) So, anyway, I don’t think “Why’d he bother? ” is fair. I think what he said is worth applauding and now getting to work on.

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