The Corner

Re: McCounaughey’s Baby Talk

Apropos my posting earlier about Matthew McCounaughey’s comments about the forthcoming birth of his child, I’ve heard from several people whom I respect, one of whom asked, “Might it not be even better if these two happy parents decided to make a real commitment to the baby and each other and to get married?” I take the point, which is a fair and good one. I should have made it in my initial posting. I would only say in response that given that we’re dealing with Hollywood, that may be asking for more than we can expect (even though it’s not asking for more than what is reasonable). I’ll take progress where we can find it. If we are seeing a movement toward respect for the unborn child in Hollywood, let’s accept that – and then, hopefully, we can move toward a greater commitment to marriage. But yes, it would be far better for the child, and for all involved, if McCounaughey got the sequencing right: marriage and then child.

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